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Mini Degility

Encouraging team spirit between human and dog

In degility, the mastery of obstacles (wobbly bridges, tunnels, seesaws) is adapted precisely to each individual four-legged friend. 

Perfection and time do not play a role here. The focus is on fun, musculature, concentration, trust and balance as well as the bond between human and dog. 

By working together, not only the owner learns to better understand the body language of his dog, but also the dog starts to pay more attention to signals, commands and body language.

  • Very active, quickly distracted dogs learn to concentrate better and have more patience.

  • Insecure dogs increase their self-confidence by mastering (together with their owner) the various obstacles.

  • Older and physically challenged dogs stay in training without overexerting themselves

  • Puppies learn to get a better body feeling and to walk more confidently through the world

Participation requirement: maximum weight of 10 kilos, age does not matter.



  • Human-dog communication 

  • Rest exercises and relaxation techniques

  • Trust exercises and play behavior

  • Puppy course - getting to know different surfaces and objects

  • Strengthens your dog's self-confidence

  • Suitable for every dog : regardless of age, weight, gender

Mini Degility

1 training session


Duration : 1 hour

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